Strategic Plan
South Adams County Fire Strategic Plan
SACFD Strategic Plan 2023
Community-Driven Strategic Planning
For many successful organizations, the community’s voice drives their operations and charts the course for their future. A community-driven emergency service organization seeks to gather and utilize the needs and expectations of its community in the development and/or improvement of the services provided. To ensure that the community remains a focus of an organization’s direction, a community-driven strategic planning process was used to develop this strategic plan. A strategic plan is a living management tool that provides short-term direction, builds a shared vision, documents goals, and objectives, and optimizes the use of resources. Effective strategic planning benefits from a consistent and cohesively structured process employed across all levels of the organization. Planning is a continuous process, one with no clear beginning and no defined end. While plans can be developed regularly, it is the process of planning that is important, not the publication of the plan itself. Most importantly, strategic planning can be an opportunity to unify the management, employees, and stakeholders through a common understanding of where the organization is going, how everyone involved can work toward that common purpose, and how progression and success will be measured.
Community Risk Assessment/Standard of Cover 2023