Plan Review

South Adams County Fire Department is committed to community safety. One of the first steps we take in making sure that the buildings around the district are safe is with the plan review process. Below you will find the links for the applications and fee schedules. Please contact us with any other questions or concerns.
Notice: Plan review will be a minimum of sixty (60) business days after the plans meet our submittal requirements and the minimum fee is paid. We accept payment in the form of a Check or Credit Card.
Third-Party Plan Reviews:
According to Chapter 1, of the International Fire Code, fire departments are allowed to use Third party for technical assistance. Any fees incured during third party review shall be paid by the applicant. Please reference our Plan Review and Inspection Schedule for hourly fees that will be assessed on top plan reviews fees.
Check out the Plan Review and Inspection Fee Schedule here.
Important Links:
When submitting plans for review include the following :
- Plan Review Application
- Please reference Occupancy Classification Table and Construction Types Table to assist with filling out this application correctly.
- All Sprinkler submittals need to include a General Information Sign to be accepted.
- All files need to be submitted in an electronic, unlocked and unsecured state for review. Plans submitted without being unlocked and unsecured will cause delay in reviews.
- All submittals must meet the requirements set forth in the checklists below.
- For resubmittals and revisions use this form.
- Please upload the files using our Permit Portal, the link can be found at the top of the page.
Checklist :
Important Links:
When submitting a plan for review include the following:
- Hazardous Materials Application
- Hazardous Materials Management Plan and Inventory Statement
- Click Here for Hazardous Materials Management Plan and Inventory Statement Guidedance.
- Click here for Hazardous Materials Compability Reference Sheet.
- All files need to be submitted in an electronic, unlocked and unsecured state for review. Plans submitted without being unlocked and unsecured will cause delay in reviews.
- All submittals must meet the requirements set forth in the checklists below.
- For resubmittals and revisions use this form.
- Please upload the files using our Permit Portal, the link can be found at the top of the page.
Important Links:
When submitting plans with revisions for review include the following :
- Revisions/Resubmittal Application
- Please reference Occupancy Classification Table and Construction Types Table to assist with filling out this application correctly.
- All Sprinkler submittals need to include a General Information Sign to be accepted.
- All files need to be submitted in an electronic, unlocked and unsecured state for review. Plans submitted without being unlocked and unsecured will cause delay in reviews.
- Please upload the files using our Permit Portal, the link can be found at the top of the page.
Checklist :
Important Links :
When submitting plans for review include the following :
- Plan Review Application
- All files need to be submitted in an electronic, unlocked and unsecured state for review. Plans submitted without being unlocked and unsecured will cause delay in reviews.
- All submittals must meet the requirements set forth in the checklists below.
- For resubmittals and revisions use this form.
- Please upload the files using our Permit Portal, the link can be found at the top of the page.
Construction inspections will be schedule between 8 am and 4pm Monday through Thursday.

When scheduling a construction inspection please be aware of the following:
- The individual listed as the contact in the contractor portal needs to be the one scheduling inspections.
- If you need to change the user in the contactor portal please email us for further information.
- If scheduling inspections for multiple trades or multiple address to take place at the same time please call our main office at 303-288-0835.
For complaince or business inspections:
- Please call 303-288-0835 or email us at to schedule inspections.
Third Party Consulting fees have been updated on our Plan Review and Inspection fee schedule.
Please see below for the pricing for the Third Party Consulting Fees:
- Prinicipal = $200.00 an hour
- Senior Engineer = $185.00 an hour
- Senior Consultant = $175.00 an hour
- Engineer = $145.00 an hour
- Consultant = $135.00 an hour
Please view this and other changes on the new Plan Review and Inspection fee schedule.

Knox Boxes should be mounted 6 feet above finished grade. Questions in regards to location please call the main office at 303-288-0835.